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CASE #004 
Vetro Felice "Glassware of happiness",
that brings smiles to the table

CLIENT Vetro Felice

YEAR 2012~

CATEGORY Starting up, OEM, support of sales

CS#4: 画像

The encounter of the products ~branding~

Vetro Felice has been one of the brand that keeps growing every year since its beginning of 2012. The first encounter was at the international gift show through our connections. The products were glittering and very charming, that attracted our client. We’ve selected some at once and decided to produce its original items for them. JTC supported from its branding and to the sales.

CS#4: 概要

Branding with concept

What could this glassware bring to the table? That was the first question for us.
We discussed many times and named it "Vetro Felice", meaning "glassware of happiness" in Italian.

  We also made a Logo, drawing a spoon and a plate. Happy table brings a smile to everyone which is the key message from this brand.

CS#4: 私たちについて

Supporting sales

 Every year, new designs and colors are introduced. That is also one of our concept. For the daily use, like wearing clothes, you choose it depending on your feeling. We also used our connection to selected shops, department stores, restaurants, and bridals. Vetro Felice is now the brand which is loved in many places.

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CS#4: 概要

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